The Path of the Flood Historic Races allow runners to experience the historic 1889 Johnstown Flood in its entirety with the new 14 Mile course, or in small droplets through the 5K or 8 Mile races. The course follows the Path of the Flood Trail, travels through Staple Bend Tunnel – the first railroad tunnel in the United States – and finishes at Peoples Natural Gas Park where you can see the historic Stone Bridge, still standing after stopping the majority of the flood’s energy.
Our hybrid road/rail trail course beckons you to be a part of history once again! This year’s course adds the Trolley Line extension trail from East Conemaugh to Woodvale Heights, eliminating the long, arduous paved section on SR 271 that was the bane of past races. This new trail will add 0.7 miles to the two longer distances, hence the “8 Miler” and the “14 Miler.” As we improve upon the experience each year, all three distances will have timing mats with chip timing. Push yourself that extra mile (almost!) in 2020!
This event is hosted by the Johnstown Area Heritage Association and the Cambria County Conservation & Recreation Authority – all proceeds benefit the Cambria County Trails and the heritage of the Johnstown region.